Southwestern Rugs Can Easily Tie Your Room Together
Colors, shapes and sizes make up what we know as Southwestern home decor. It is an art form that many of us can see, but few of us understand. You can tell stories through decorations, arrangements of set pieces and paintings. Ultimately, how we decorate our Southwestern homes and apartments says a lot about our culture, our personality and what we find appealing.
To me, being able to decorate is a form of expression, something so subtle yet very easy on the eye. Without it living rooms-would be blank, boring, and lack a sense of uniqueness. In this day and age where diversity is such an asset, it is important to keep advocating for self-expression. Whether it be through music, art, writing, home decorating, etc. We must not forget that adding simple Southwestern style area rugs can completely transcend your living room from a basic, blank, boring living room to one filled with culture, colors, aromas, and scenes we are unfamiliar with. That is the beauty behind houses from all over the world.
When we travel we open our eyes to a new perspective, a new culture that we can either embrace or admire from afar. Sharing such connections amongst others helps in shaping how we see western decor and how important it can be.
I know from personal experiences that houses in the Southwestern United States are very different from houses in Europe or other parts of the world. I have seen it, lived it and enjoyed all the elegant decorations I encountered. Nonetheless, I encourage everyone to go out there explore and to see all the wonderful cultures that make up this planet. Without one another, who knows where we would be getting our summer inspiration for our patio. Or that new vase that was in a catalog that we so desperately need. Southwestern home decor is an art form, it tells stories but most importantly, it tells the world who we are.